An axe used in many executions at the time of Henry VIII. This axe is on display at the Tower of London, also home to the Queen's Crown Jewels.
When one was about to be beheaded, it was customary to tip. The better the tip, the quicker you died.
One exception to the axe for beheading was Anne Boleyne, who was afraid of dying. She asked her husband, Henry VIII, for some mercy. He agreed, and she was to be beheaded by a sword. The plan was for the sword to be hidden in the hay on the ground. As she walked up, her lady-in-waiting called out and she looked at her. The executioner quickly grabbed the sword, a very sharp sword, and beheaded her before she knew what had happened. It was said that it happened so fast that her eyes were still looking around the crowd for 90 seconds as her head was displayed.
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